Although I am no great fan of Tony Blair, I am totally behind him on the hard stance he is taking on Europe's need for economic reform. It is not a question of the money - in the grand scheme of things £3 billion is relatively small change. It is about the intrinsic unfairness of a system which rewards those economies with large and cumbersome agricultural sectors, and penalises those with small and efficient systems.
Chirac's home support is at an all time low, and those who can strike on a whim hold the reigns; Blair has just been returned to power (albeit by an electorate still unconvinced by Europe). This is domestic politics played out in Brussels, but ideologically Blair has the high ground. Were countries to be rewarded for what they put in initially, and get out ultimately, from European trade, and if this meant Britain ended with no credit from the EU directly, although increased trade (and hence taxes) Blair would quite rightly be happy. Chirac (and his farmers) would not.
Labels: European Union, Politics
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