For those who deal with social media, a quick heads up on a really useful tool that I have just discovered, called
Tweriod. This (freemium) application analyses your Twitter account and notes the times of day and week when most of your followers are online. This gives an indication as to when important tweets might be most optimally scheduled.
It generates a report like the following, in this case for
As you can see there is quite a variation through the day, with peak activity being around 1.00-2.00 weekdays, and 2.00-3.00 on weekends. This stands to reason, given that this is when morning traffic from the US also comes on stream. Previously, though, I've been posting a little later in the day, reasoning that mid-morning in the US and later afternoon in the UK (i.e. coffee break time) would be best. I'll now adjust the schedule accordingly.
This also reminds me, who tends to start work at around 7.00 in the morning, that whilst I may feel like 9.00 is mid-morning, everyone else is only just getting started. There is around 33% less activity among our Twitter followers at 9.00 compared to 14.00.
Labels: impact, Tweriod, twitter
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