Students at 60
universities have now lost five days of teaching due to
action, with a further three days to come next week. Whether I've been
standing on the physical picket line, listening at our
teach outs, or
digitally canvassing on twitter, the amount of support and solidarity students
have given back has been empowering.
Yet it would also be understandable why
students, perhaps even the silent majority of them, may question the impact the
action is having on them. Students are being told that staff need secure
pensions, a pay rise to reflect inflation, less extreme workloads, greater equality for female and BAME colleagues, and fewer
casual contracts to improve the efficacy of the teaching that they deliver. Yet
if a student has lost out on several hours of contact time, the immediate
impact on any individual learner - a definitive event - feels harsh when
weighed against the speculation that these enhancements for lecturers might support prospective students
in the future. In the transactional economy that is university education these
days, some students will feel that our claims are
stretched to breaking point across two poles: the projected benefits to us, and
the immediate deficits to them.
Will Dr Jones's
lecture on mammalian evolution in the ice age really be ten percent better next
year if Dr Jones knows that she will have a good pension in thirty years time?
Will fixed-term teaching fellow Dr Williams give feedback on essays about Jane Austen's
heroines that will be three times more useful if his contract lasts for three
years rather than one?
Of course, the
polarising us-and-them division is invalid given the
market inequities within HE from which we all suffer. Yet at the level of
the individual student, things can feel instinctively muddier. Alongside the higher-level analyses, it's important to represent the individual teacher's point of
view and their actual work with students. My recent experiences at the Open University give a particular, tangible
example of how improved conditions for staff will
improve teaching, not just speculatively but in the here and now.
I find myself in a
peculiar position in this dispute. Because while I've been fully supportive of
the action in relation to my role at Durham University, at the Open University
the zombie horror of endless casualisation is something that has recently been
put to the stake. Weirdly, at the very moment when morale nationally is at an
all-time low, mine personally is riding high as far as the OU is concerned. And
it has immediately improved my support of students.
To see how and why,
let's turn back the clock a couple of years.
By early 2018 I was in a bad place
mentally, linked to the deconstruction of the institution as a whole. Then
Vice-Chancellor, Peter Horrocks, was
to, in essence, turn the OU into a giant MOOC, doing away with the personal
tutor-student relationship that we know is essential to student success; this
came on the back of a disastrous implementation of a new tuition policy which
made face-to-face support harder to access for many. And running longer term in
the background to all this was the fact that, despite me knowing from student
feedback, teaching observations, marking statistics, and peer monitoring that
I'm good at what I do, I have had to apply to the OU 17 times in the decade
I've been there, as contracts on individual modules came to an end or as I was
made redundant on one and had to apply for another to compensate. After the
background hum of casualisation, the noise of the Horrocks revolution meant I
had never felt more precarious in ten years working in HE.
As a consequence, my
motivation slumped, and students suffered. I stopped making extra (unpaid) phone calls to check up on
particularly struggling students. Instead of posting weekly or even daily to my
tutor group forums, far beyond what was workloaded, I only
did the light touch moderation expected. Instead of busting a gut to return
marking, I worked up to my 10-working-day contractual turnaround. Rather than responding to student emails more
or less every day, I checked email two or three times a week, and uninstalled
my OU account from my phone. I was working to contract, and although I hope I
still gave a decent experience and support to students - and most won't have
known it could have been different - I certainly didn't do the extra which I,
like most of my colleagues, do.
This is what the
threat of casualisation, and the erosion of working conditions more generally,
does. Teachers are not robots. We are passionate about what we do -
but because that passion is already exploited
with us putting in many hours of unpaid labour, it's easy to become utterly
demotivated once it goes entirely unrecognised by institutional strategies that
treat you as a disposable problem. It was not inapt that Peter Horrocks was
ultimately ousted for claiming that '
don't teach'.
Fast-forward to the
present. Thanks to the endeavours of an active union, and a now-responsive
management, change is coming. Associate Lecturers will be employed on a more
conventional, permanent basis. The leadership of interim VC
Professor Mary Kellet
was exemplary, while her replacement
Professor Tim Blackman
looks set to be a similarly positive appointment. And along with the enhanced
prospect, so tooI'm back to my old self. All those
things listed above, which I stopped doing when demotivated, I've started doing
once again.
But as well as
having an immediate benefit to students, giving teachers long-term confidence also entails
long-term payback in terms of teaching enhancement.
In any one hour in
the classroom, my teaching is probably no better than many a
brand-new PhD teaching assistant could do. What I do have on my side is
pedagogic experience, which I can contribute if I'm employed for the long term. Here are
some of the scholarship projects I'm currently involved in across both Durham
and the OU:
- Investigating how we might help
students to feel more integrated into a subject learning community
- Sitting on an Athena Swan
panel and contributing to the actions that should significantly improve
areas like the inclusivity of events, and the gender diversity of the undergraduate intake from A-Level
- Pioneering digital storytelling to
help students to reflect upon their learning
- Experimenting with ways to employ playful learning in online forums, and delivering staff
development workshops on the subject
- Contributing data to explore
how students with BAME and disability profiles engage with synchronous
online teaching
Each of these
projects will take more than one year to come to fruition. In
the cycle of scholarship, you might well test a new technique in the classroom
one year and gather some preliminary feedback to see whether it has potential;
refine and redeliver the next year with a more robust survey methodology;
disseminate within the institution; and eventually publish the findings externally. These are not quick or easy wins.
In each of these projects I am collaborating with one or more colleagues (who I
won't name in this particular post - but you know who you are). These
aren't people I just plucked out of a university email directory. They are
trusted friends with whom I've built up relationships over a number of years,
so that we have the mutual confidence to be frank with one another, to
experiment, to fail, and then to fail better.
If you're employed
on casual contracts, without knowing what will come after that twelve month
period, you simply cannot iterate and enhance like this. As any Silicon Valley
CEO will know, the most valuable asset an innovative organisation can utilise
is not money, but time to think: throw that away, as universities do when they
employ people short-term, and you lose potential.
Students might only
notice what is not happening right now, amid the strike, namely hours in the
classroom. My experience at the OU shows why there should be immediate returns to students and a better experience if we have teachers who aren't utterly demotivated and demoralised by working conditions, in spite of their ingrained desire to do their best for those they teach. But it's important to reflect on what also will not happen next
year, or in five years, or ten years, if endemic casualisation, workloads, and
other challenges to staff motivation continue to rot the foundations of what we
do, and what we love.
Labels: casualisation, higher education, labour, marketisation, pensions, UCU, UCUstrike, UCUstrikesback, universities
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